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Process for Evaluating Public Policy Proposals 

NKBA recognizes that public policy issues impact our members’ businesses and livelihoods, which is why we are committed to evaluating relevant proposals for member education and engagement. To find out how NKBA determines its public policy priorities and positions, please review the below excerpt from NKBA’s Policy Manual. 

According to Section XVI, Subsection B, the following is NKBA’s approach to public policy issues: 

As the leading trade and professional organization in the kitchen and bathroom industry, NKBA is committed to educating its membership on legislative issues that affect our professional community and protecting members’ rights to practice their profession. As part of this commitment, NKBA will monitor relevant legislative developments at the state and federal levels, and, where appropriate, provide information to members concerning material issues and developments – including laws and regulations that may impact the kitchen and bath industry including Title & Practice acts.

Safety is a core value of the kitchen and bath design profession. However, NKBA does not believe a public health, safety, or welfare problem exists which necessitates the promulgation of Interior Design(er) Title or Practice Acts. While NKBA would prefer that no such legislative or regulatory proposals be implemented, NKBA has taken a proactive and specific position to NOT oppose Interior Design(er) Title Acts or Practice Acts which create a voluntary registered, certified, licensed classification of Interior Designers as long as NKBA members’ rights to practice are not negatively impacted. [more on this policy position below] 

NKBA, when appropriate, will continue to express its policy positions and articulate its stance publicly through letters or similar means as requested by its members to ensure that the organization’s viewpoints are clearly communicated to all relevant stakeholders. NKBA’s position to not oppose Title or Practice Acts that contain these provisions should not be construed nor conveyed as a position of support for such legislation.

NKBA Policy Position

State Interior Design(er) Title & Practice Acts

While NKBA had traditionally opposed such Acts, since 2018 the relevant industry groups have agreed to model legislation language. In a significant paradigm shift, NKBA will remain neutral on such acts, provided that certain criteria are met that ensure its members’ ability to practice is not harmed. Learn more here.


For more information on NKBA’s government relations resources, including questions on our monthly newsletter, please reach out to NKBA’s Senior Manager, Governance, Steven Campeau at .