Upcoming Events
Presented by YOUR Chapter OfficersLearn what IS new & exciting at the show
Past Events
Come ONE and ALL to the NKBA New Mexico's Annual Holiday Social.Kindly hosted by Precision Diamante Interiors cabinet, lighting, and plumbing showroom. Friends, please join us for F...
NKBA New Mexico is excited to announce Winston's new Kitchen & Bath showroom. Please join us for an evening of networking, food, drinks, and FUN FUN FUN !
Technological advancements are now a must in a number of household appliances. Design, features, and functionalities are integral in delivering the best experience for a homeowner and this course w...
CEUs: CUE Event
White Kitchens & Wide Aisles; Trend or Tendency?Overview of Presentation:Lifestyle trends have both defined and changed the spaces we live in. Those trends are whatgot us her...
Let welcome Shaun Payne from WW Sales for an inspiring CEU presentation about the healing properties of water and how we can achieve this through our creative use of resources in the kitchen and ba...
Our CEU event for this month has been postponed. Stay tuned for the next meeting date and time.Thank you!
CEUs: 0.1
Join us on Wednesday, April 1st for the .1 CEU presentation by Tim Evans. This will be a multi-faceted presentation involving information on current technology related to grout, electric floor heat...
CEUs: 0.1
Join us on Wednesday, February 19th for the NKBA Best of KBIS 2020 to be held at Rocky Mountain Stone in Albuquerque. Your New Mexico Chapter officers were there and have created a wonderful presen...
New Mexico Chapter’s Holiday Social . Come join us for a celebration of the Holidays with food, fun, networking, prizes and plenty of fun for everyone. This is a free event.
CEUs: 0.1
NKBA speaker Scott Koehler will be presenting his .1 CEU presentation: MobileApps for the Kitchen Business. There will be live demonstrations of different mobile apps that can...
CEUs: 0.1
Our Speaker, Andre Boykin is a NKBA National Speaker. His topic is The Five C’s of Winning Posture. He uniquely combines experiences, learning points, and humor, to create a message ...
CEUs: 0.1
Each chapter officer will give a presentation on their experience at KBIS, showing pictures and discussing what they got out of the experience
CEUs: 0.1
Join us on Wednesday, February 6th for the New Mexico Chapter NKBA bi-monthly meeting to be held at Builders Source Appliance Gallery in Albuquerque. Our speaker will be Christie Waszak: Life Style...
The New Mexico Chapter Annual Holiday gathering and celebration will be a wonderful way to start this season with food, beverages, beer and wine, and many door prizes, it will event to truly enjoy....
CEUs: 0.1
Join the NKBA New Mexico Chapter for a fun, informative night of food, beverages, networking and a CEU: Natural Stone 101 presented by Scott C. Lardner. Scott is past President of the Marble Instit...
CEUs: 0.2
Our regular Bi-monthly Chapter Meeting, August 1st, from 5:30 pm-8:00 pm at Dreamstyle Remodeling in Albuquerque. .2 CEUs!We will have great time, wonderful food, f...