Manhattan Chapter


Education Day + 60th Anniversary Party


October 26, 2023 | 10:30 am- 12:00 pm

CEUs: 0.4

Cost: Free

A&D Building
150 E. 58th Street
Dacor Showroom, Suite 602
New York, NY 10155

Indulge in a steaming cup of coffee and a delicious pastry as you secure your spot at the front row of NKBA Manhattan's 2nd Annual Education Day, marking the 60th anniversary of the National Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA).

Head to the Miele Showroom on the ninth floor of the prestigious A&D Building on 58th Street in NYC for a networking breakfast. Please note that only pre-registered guests will gain entry, with exceptions considered. The event features luminaries from the kitchen and bath industry, offering a chance to earn up to four CEU credits for attending all sessions or opt for individual sessions with 0.1 CEU credits each.

Enjoy a CEU Keynote luncheon at Fisher Paykel Showroom on the third floor with NKBA's CEO, Bill Darcy, followed by three CEU-accredited events highlighting six decades of industry progress. The day concludes with a celebratory cocktail party in the Dacor showroom, hosted by NKBA and Dacor, making it a truly spectacular experience not to be missed.


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