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Texas North Plains Chapter


NKBA Texas North Plains - Work From Home: Virtual Scavenger Hunt


April 20, 2020 | 5:00 pm- April 24, 2020 | 12:00 am

CEUs: No

Cost: Free

Online, Online Online

You are invited to join us...virtually!

NKBA Texas North Plains Members:

While we are all getting to know our homes a little more during this time, and in lieu of the corn-hole tournament originally scheduled for April 21, we wanted to keep in the competitive spirit and do a “Virtual Scavenger Hunt” with you all! What is that? Well – you will sign up for one of the five days and attend our Google Hangout meeting. We will say hello, play catch up on what we have planned as a chapter, review the rules of the game, and then go through a list of predetermined items that you will need to find around your house. You will only have one minute to find an item and show it on screen to gain points!

For example, if we say you need to find a “coffee mug” you will hop up, walk briskly to the kitchen, and search for that mug your mother-in-law got you for Christmas last year even though you never used it before having to work from home (or still don’t because you are using Starbucks' drive-through services). Sound simple enough? Some of the items will be a little harder than others, and “fun” answers will be counted at the discretion of the host. For example, if we say “pumpkin spice” but you’re out because it’s the middle of Spring but you find a pumpkin picture and a random spice from the pantry, then we may laugh and still give you partial or full credit.

Ready to join the fun? Sign up for only ONE day (as we are hosting five days in a row) that you would like to attend. If you sign up later in the week, don’t ask someone to sign up on Monday and tell you the list so you win – the winner(s) will be determined over the ENTIRE WEEK of games, so you won’t want to help anyone beat you! Sign-ups for each day will close at 6:00pm the previous day (so the cutoff for the first game on April 20th will have an RSVP deadline of April 19th at 6:00pm).

The hunts are limited to 10 people each day to allow for 50 total contestants! Once the RSVP deadline hits for the day you plan to compete, you will receive a Google Hangout invitation from our email: to add to your calendar. The calendar invite (if opened in Google Calendar) will have a direct link to “join” the Hangout link for that day/time. Simply click the link at least 5 minutes before we start to ensure you are able to join with sound and video. You may need to have a Gmail (or other Google) account in order to do this. These are free to create. PLEASE SIGN UP USING THE GMAIL ACCOUNT YOU WANT THE LINK TO GO TO!

We will start the hunts promptly at 5:00pm every day and there are no make ups – so you don’t want to be late, or you may be a point or two behind! If you have any questions, please reach out directly to your host, Rebecca Sutton – Programs Chair, at The winner(s) for the week will be announced on Monday, April 27 and receive a special prize, so be prepared to win and we will “see” you then!

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