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Texas North Plains Chapter


NKBA Texas North Plains: Virtual Trivia Night


December 02, 2020 | 4:00 pm

CEUs: No

Cost: Free



Join us for some trivia fun!

We're hosting trivia night! Team up with up to five friends to create a team of six (recommended max) or play along yourself! We've got five rounds of trivia with categories based on your feedback!

  • Teams and team names will be confirmed at game time
  • Sign up with a team or by yourself
  • Teams can meet-up in person to play or play virtually from their respective homes (if virtual, you will need to communicate with your fellow teammates however you like....Facebook, Messenger, additional Zoom, etc.)
  • Rules will be reviewed and trivia submission forms will be sent out at game time via Zoom chat.

Grab your drink, snacks (snacks are always a good idea) and hop on trivia night with us as early as 3:45 p.m. while the trivia will start at 4:00 p.m.

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