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Susquehanna Valley Chapter


May Chapter Meeting at Winsupply of Camp Hill


May 17, 2022 | 5:00 pm- 7:00 pm

CEUs: 1

Cost: Members: $25.00, Non-Members: $35.00, Students & Faculty: $5.00

Winsupply of Camp Hill
2500 Gettysburg Road
Camp Hill, PA 17011

Mark your calendar and plan to join us on Tuesday evening May the 17th at Winsupply of Camp Hill! The program for the night will consist of two presentations highlighting two very innovative bathroom solutions that were showcased at KBIS 2022. Of course, there will be plenty of networking, food, and drink for all. Proceeds from the 50/50 raffle will be donated to this year's charity organization, Homeward Bound. See you on the 17th! 
Schedule of Events:
  • Networking Hour with hor d'oeuvres and drinks: 5:00pm to 6:00pm 
  • CEU (.05) Presentation by Steve Waddell of Nasoni: 6:00pm to 6:30pm
  • CEU (.05) Presentation by Rebecca Jones of Airmada: 6:30pm to 7:00pm 
In today's high-paced, stressed-out world, we need a place that is absent of stress and anxiety, a place where we can find happiness and relaxation. Hygge is a feeling of effortless comfort, the absence of worry. In the home, if done right, the bathroom can be easily transformed to enhance the feeling of hygge by creating the perfect cozy setting.  Steve Waddell, President, Nasoni, will present 15 great ways to help do just that, followed by his water conservation magic show that was a big hit at the 2022 Kitchen and Bath Industry Show (KBIS) in Orlando, Florida this year.

The Airmada Shower Drying System is a new, revolutionary product taking the bathroom industry by storm. The patented system uses air-jet nozzles to help dry the shower space after use. By drying out the shower surfaces, Airmada helps to prevent mold, mildew, slippery floors, water marks and after shower humidity. 
Our Shower Drying System won the silver Best of KBIS Award for bath at the 2022 show, as well as the Best New Product award at the Decorative Plumbing and Hardware Show in 2021. We were featured in the 2022 New American Home at the International Builders Show and the 2021 New American Home. Our Shower Drying Systems were included an article about solving and preventing water issues in bathrooms in The Washington Post, and most recently in a Forbes article about innovative new products.