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Susquehanna Valley Chapter


Kitchen and Bath Month Celebration at Sub-Zero, Wolf, Cove Philadelphia


October 19, 2022 | 5:00 pm- 7:00 pm

CEUs: 1

Cost: Members: $25.00, Non-Members: $35.00, Students & Faculty: $10.00

Sub-Zero, Wolf, and Cove Showroom Philadelphia
4050 South 26th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19112

In celebration of National Kitchen and Bath Month, the Susquehanna Valley and Mid Atlantic Chapters of the NKBA are joining together for one special event! You are invited to the Sub-Zero, Wolf, and Cove Showroom Philadelphia on Wednesday, October the 19th for an evening of networking, learning, and of course food and drink. Suzanne Pataro of Sub-Zero Group is the night's featured speaker and will be presenting "Redefining Kitchen Design While Improving Health and Wellness". This event is limited to 50 attendees. Get your tickets today. 
Redefining Kitchen Design While Improving Health and Wellness
Whether you are taking this course in 2020 or beyond, you have lived through an unprecedented global pandemic that has changed how we approach life. What it means to work, socialize with friends and family, and even prepare a meal altered drastically within the space of a few weeks. People who barely knew how to turn on their oven started experimenting in the kitchen; others, accustomed to dining out, found themselves food prepping for weeks at a time; and many people with families, partners, or roommates found themselves once again gathering together at meal times. Included in all of its life-altering impacts, the pandemic has changed the way we live at home, including how we utilize our kitchens, home offices, and technology. 
Learning Objectives
  • Examine how the kitchen has evolved from a utilitarian to social space and how recent COVID-19 events may further this evolution.
  • Explore the idea of a wellness kitchen and how kitchen design can improve wellness and nutrition.
  • Discover how kitchen appliances, both large and small, optimize food preservation, minimize stress in the kitchen, and help people stay connected.
  • Analyze how working from home will affect future residential design, and how kitchen appliances can be incorporated into a home office.