Missouri/Southern Illinois Chapter


NKBA Oktoberfest Membership Drive


October 16, 2019 | 4:00 pm

CEUs: There are no CEUs for this event

Stone Fabricators
4084 Bingham Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63116

Celebrate our NKBA Chapter and Kitchen and Bath Month Oktoberfest style at the NKBA Membership Drive and Corian Quartz New Color Party at Stone Fabricators. Our Gold Sponsor Hallmark Building Supplies will have several of their new color slabs on display for us to see. We are planning an outdoor party full of bbq food – Urban Chestnut Beer + wine – a live band | The River Kittens – and several ways to win raffle prizes. This is the event where you’ll claim your prizes for the year long raffle for attending NKBA events and we will have several other opportunities to win items at the event.

Members will receive 1 raffle ticket for attending – Members who bring a potential new member guest will each receive an additional raffle ticket. One non-member will win a new NKBA Membership! Receive an additional ticket for sending in your RSVP through the Eventbrite link before October 9th.

Party will run from 4-8pm with the prize drawing at 7pm