Missouri/Southern Illinois Chapter


Naturally Wineful


October 19, 2023 | 5:00 pm- 7:00 pm


Cost: Free

Global Granite & Marble - St. Louis
10800 Linpage Place
St. Louis, MO 63132

The NKBA is happy to share an exciting CEU opportunity hosted by Global Granite. Please join us for an evening of fun and learning while we sip on wine.

Wine & Stone - Presented by a special guest from the Natural Stone Institute.

Red or white, sweet or dry? The Wine & Stone presentation was developed as a unique way to show attendees what factors make stone hard or soft, veined or patterned, etc. For example, nutritionally restricted limestone soil gives more acidity to the wines grown there. Mineral composition also comes into play when talking about the characteristics of stone. Marbles are composed primarily of calcium carbonate which makes them less resistant to chemicals such as acids and bases. Find out more interesting facts that determine the characteristics of wine & stone!