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Michigan State Chapter


Sustainable Kitchen and Bath Design


October 09, 2018 | 5:30 pm

CEUs: There are no CEUs for this event

Trevarrow, Inc
1295 Opdyke Rd
Auburn Hills, MI 48326

Topic: Blended Presentations: Capturing Creativity with Technology
This session will reflect on the evolution of how technology has changed the way we work through the design process. We will look at a variety of tools that allow creativity and capture the details required for a successful project.

If you are looking for ways to make your presentations stand out, you’ll enjoy this session. We’ll look at real-life examples and discuss, with a hands-on approach, how you can quickly leverage technology in your design business. Mobile devices (phones & tablets) are encouraged, strong Wi-Fi is required for this presentation.

1. Identify steps in the design process and optimize workflow
2. Learn how to inspire clients in methods that they relate
3. Create clear presentations to qualify the needs of your client

Speaker: Vanessa DeKoekkoek is the Global Training Manager at 2020, the leader in technology solutions for professional designers, retailers and manufacturers. She has helped thousands of designers leverage technology in their design solutions. Vanessa holds an Associate of Applied Science and Bachelor of Interior Design from Baker College.