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Michigan State Chapter




November 14, 2019 | 5:30 pm

CEUs: There are no CEUs for this event

Kohler Signature Showroom
724 N. Old Woodward Ave.
Birmingham, MI 48009

Home Technology, Automation & Connectivity: Solutions for Living in Place Speaker: Dawn DeLuca, AKBD

Home Technology, Automation, & Connectivity has long been Lux additions to remodels
and new home builds. With good reason! Sound, home theater’s, high tech video security,
connected appliances were at one time attainable by only the wealthy. Home Automation
was and is all about the wow factor. Or so most believe. There is a whole other side to
Home Technology, Automation and Connectivity.

We now have:
• A means of positive impact which will help people live in place, when they never could before.
• The ability to extend the amount of time, those already living in place can have at home.
• An opportunity to ease the burden placed on family & caregivers.

This presentation will:
• Introduce you to the world of Home Technology, Automation & Connectivity.
• Give a look at the different types of hardware and software available and what their “jobs” are.
• Show you how the different products can improve the opportunity for Living In Place.
• Discuss how to build your team to include technologists. What questions you need to ask them.
• Discuss how to communicate to clients the importance of being able to Live In Place and how the correct home technology, automation & connectivity can benefit all.