Manhattan Chapter

President's Column, Toni Sabatino

1487 days ago
August 2020 -- 2020 may indeed be the year that wasn't in many respects but we hope you have found some gifts in the pause we are experiencing. Many have found more time for family or hobbies or organizing at home and some have added to their skill set and education. The NKBA has some great certification opportunities with discounted pricing happening for those interested.
It seems that while many of us are returning to a position but operating in a new way, we are also aware that many positions have been eliminated and so want to remind everyone that our
organization is a great one for networking and finding new opportunity.
Speaking of opportunity, do you know a young industry professional deserving of accolades and national recognition? 30 Under 30 nominations are still being accepted through August 18. To nominate a person, go here.
Our Programs Chair, Julie Schuster, has been busy recognizing industry talent to create more dynamic virtual events. Please check your inbox for invitations as we look forward to more online demonstrations and presentations to keep our minds fresh and focused as we move into the fall season. I hope to see you online.
—Toni, President, Manhattan Chapter