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Iowa Chapter

About Us

About the NKBA Iowa Chapter

The Iowa Chapter of the NKBA is proud to represent many kitchen and bath professionals across the state.  Our group hosts monthly meetings, CEU presentations and opportunities to be social with others in our local design community through out the year. 

If you have ties to the K&B industry, we hope you will consider learning more about the value that our community can have to your business and career.  

Chapter Officers

About the NKBA
The NKBA is the world's leading trade association for the kitchen and bath industry providing tools, research, certification, and events to thousands of professionals. Established in 1963 as a network of kitchen dealers, it has evolved into the premier association of designers, retailers, remodelers, manufacturers, distributors, fabricators, installers and other industry professionals. Today, the NKBA represents an unparalleled network of peers, tools and resources designed to support professional growth and business success.