December 05, 2024 | 12:01 am- December 13, 2024 | 11:59 am
CEUs: There are no CEUs for this event
Cost: Sponsors $100
Instagram @NKBAIndiana, Facebook, LinkedIn
NKBA Virtual Pit Stop Tours
An interactive, holiday-themed social media campaign designed to foster collaboration and community among local small businesses, while providing sponsors with valuable exposure and engagement opportunities.
Sponsors share holiday-themed posts in a linked thread starting December 5, creating a virtual journey that showcases their products, services, and businesses. The campaign concludes with a celebratory networking event on December 18, 2024, at Pins Mechanical Company in Indianapolis, featuring a Holiday Prize Raffle for the most engaged participants and top-performing posts.
To be included in the Virtual Pit Stop Tours, participants must become sponsors for a flat fee of $100.
Date | Action Item |
November 15 | Campaign launches with sponsor flyer |
November 25 | Final registration deadline for sponsors |
December 5 – December 17 | Virtual Pit Stop Tours active |
December 18 | Cocktail networking event & raffle drawing at Pins Mechanical Company |
Date: December 18, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Pins Mechanical Company, Indianapolis
Celebrate the success of the Virtual Pit Stop Tours with an evening of cocktails, duckpin bowling, and networking! Sponsors will be recognized, and businesses with the most engaging posts will be entered into the Holiday Prize Raffle for exclusive prizes.
For more information or to secure your sponsorship, please contact:
Elle H-Millard, CKD
Communications Chair
Example of social post:
🎄 Welcome to the XperienceLLC Virtual Pit Stop! 🎄
We’re excited to be part of the NKBA Virtual Pit Stop Tours! Discover our latest products, services, and holiday offerings while supporting local businesses.
💡 Your Next Clue:
Find a place where kitchens shine bright,
Their designs make every home feel right.
Tag the business that leads the way,
With cabinets and counters on display!
Like, follow, and comment on this post, then email elle@XperienceLLC.com with the subject line “NKBA Pit Stop Clue Found”. In-person visits to the showroom may earn you a special reward. (Must be picked up prior to 12/13/24)