Eastern Carolinas Chapter

New edition of the Kitchen & Bath Planning Guidelines is now available and CEU cycle news!

942 days ago
Anne Harvey

The NKBA has recently released the 4th edition of the Kitchen & Bath Planning Guidelines. Read all about it here:

NKBA Releases New Planning Guidelines - Google Docs

Current CEU Cycle Extended!

CEU Reminder! We’ve extended the current CEU cycle that ended June 30, 2022. All NKBA-certified members are required to have 20 CEU hours approved no later than August 31, 2022.

If you miss a CEU program due to budget or travel constraints, the NKBA Free Webinar Series is a great way to expand your industry knowledge and collect CEUs! Click here to register.

As a reminder, NKBA Chapter Meetings and events, vendor training and NKBA CEU Provider Programs count toward CEUs. Log onto nkba.org using your computer or smartphone to check your CEU total and submit your CEUs today.