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Eastern Carolinas Chapter

Finally, we get to see each other!

1024 days ago
Karyn Reilly

Next week is our first in-person meeting of the year!
Please join us May 19th!
You can sign up here:


Certified Members: The CEU cycle ends at the end of June this year. Make sure you have self-reported your professional development to the NKBA website. Once you have logged in, click on your photo or initials on the top right, and look for Report CEUs

Don't forget there are many free webinars from the NKBA every month. This month's focus is Lighting, and I have to say, so far they have been wonderful events!


Officer Elections are here!

If you are interested in involvement on leadership on a chapter level, you can self-nominate for one of two roles, either Secretary / Treasurer or Membership chair.

  • Contribute to your local organization in a meaningful way
  • Positions are for two-year terms
  • Includes officer training and expenses-paid trip to KBIS 2023 and 2024
  • Must be a current member of the NKBA

If interested, please apply here.


I hope to see you at one of our upcoming events!

Karyn Reilly, Chapter President