Upcoming Events
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Call All Chili Enthusiasts!Who will be the NKBA Chi...
Past Events
CEUs: .1
 Join your fellow NKBA and AHBA members on this ultra fun Poker Run and Parade of Homes Tour. We will travel via Anchorage Party Bus to four of the 2024 AHBA Parade of Homes entries, collec...
CEUs: .1
KBIS/IBS 2024 was a great success! 30% Larger than last year and boy was there a lot to see! If you attended and have something cool to share, or if you missed it and want to see what's new, si...
CEUs: .1
Join us for lunch and get an update on Alaska's economic future. Dan Robinson, Research Chief at the Alaska Department of Labor, will address various aspects of the states economic landscape in...
CEUs: .2
Hop on the party bus while we stop by three different showrooms to eat, network, and build your winning hand to earn cash prizes! We will start at 5:30pm at Keller S...
CEUs: .1
**FREE CERTIFICATION**Join us at Keller Supply to become a certified Kurb-X installer. Learn about the benefits and details...
CEUs: .2
Our annual trivia night has arrived! Join us at Ferguson to compete against your fellow colleagues and enjoy drinks, food, and good company!
CEUs: .1
Join us for lunch and hear from mortgage lenders on their construction and renovation loan programs.Â
CEUs: .1
Join us at Allen & Petersen for a presentation by Nate Puplis with Jenn-Air on "luxury kitchens today", where he will discuss integrated appliances.Â
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Join us for an update on the 2023 economic forecast with local economist Neal Fried.Â
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Join us at Dimond Greenhouse to decorate your own centerpiece or wreath with friends and colleagues! There will be chili and drinks to warm you up as well!Â
CEUs: 0
We are celebrating 20 years as the Alaska Chapter!Mark your calendars and reserve your seats for the upcoming 20th Anniversary Event!Come celebrateÂ...
Join Keller Supply for an informational workshop! Custom curbless showers and mo...
CEUs: .2
Join your NKBA Alaska Chapter for the upcoming May meeting. Jaimey ...
CEUs: .1 CEU
Register Today!This will be our last chapter meeting of 2021.  Scott Hornal with Elkay will present up and coming products.Steve Glatt, Branch Mgr. & Rik...
CEUs: .1
In person and/or online learning event to discuss local businesses experiencing and dealing with extended lead times due to Covid 19 pandemic.
CEUs: .2
Learn best practices and gain knowledge on the fabrication side of counter tops.Â