We’ve partnered with Renovation Angel to create the NKBA/Renovation Angel Luxury Kitchen Recycling Award – an initiative to support and encourage luxury kitchen recycling as a “best practice” within our industry.

The inaugural Luxury Kitchen Recycling Awards program is underway, with submissions now open, and we’re looking to create a dynamic judging panel to make history with us. If you, or someone you know, is:

  • An NKBA member
  • A Certified Kitchen Designer (CKD, CKBD, CMKBD)
  • Planning to attend KBIS
  • And has a passion for sustainable design

Then you’re in the right place! We’re now accepting nominations to join the committee of judges who will rank and award the top recycled kitchens, which will be recognized with a ceremony on the KBISNeXT Stage at KBIS 2020 in Las Vegas.

Submit your nomination here today!