Latest news and notes from the design world.

Editor At Large dissects the latest tile trends from Atlanta’s recent Coverings show. At the top of the list? A rainbow of color options, patchwork patterns and ultra-thin offerings.

One Whole Foods location is transforming into a one-stop shop with a new home, beauty and garden shop. Plant and Plate will offer goods like local pottery, copper accessories and garden essentials at its Bridgewater, N.J., location.

We’ve always known that kitchens were the heart of the home, but here’s more proof. Salon writer and novelist Lucian K. Truscott IV pens a love letter to the hardest working room in the house.

Less romantic, but infinitely practical is a complete guide to waterproofing your bathroom floors. Consider it required reading.

Another tip to file under useful: CNET sums up nine ways to use your Google Home device in the bathroom from multitasking to maxing out your “me time.”