
Mike Wann

Chief Strategy Officer, Super League Gaming

A tech media icon, Michael Wann is chief strategy officer for Super League Gaming and was instrumental in the growth of such leading-edge tech firms as Demand Media, SpinMedia, Tastemade, Fullscreen and Mobcrush. His real passion, however, is healthy living – in fact, he is building one of the world’s healthiest, most sustainable homes in Santa Monica, Calif., not just as a personal residence but as a public example of the accessible possibilities of sustainable home and kitchen design. His choice for the formal entertaining and working family kitchens in his ultimate, earth-friendly showplace?  Beko Healthy Kitchens of course.


The Healthy Kitchen of the Future

Meet Michel Wann, a social media and tech icon who is building one of the world’s healthiest, most sustainable homes as an inspiration to those who want to make a real difference. Hear Michael’s take on the healthy kitchen movement and why he is including not just one, but two healthy kitchens in his net-zero-carbon showplace of earth-friendly living in southern California.