West Michigan Chapter

NKBA West Michigan - community partnership - CASA of Kent County

65 days ago
Anneke Huisman


Giving back to our community has become a goal for the West Michigan NKBA chapter. Over the last few years, they have helped to make over a teacher's lounge, done school supply drives, and assisted with food pantry donations. This year, NKBA West Michigan partnered with CASA of Kent County to raise funds and awareness for their agency. CASA stands for "court-appointed special advocate," and the people who volunteer their time with the CASA program are some of the most special advocates!

CASA volunteers are assigned to be mentors and advocates for individual children in foster care in Kent County. CASA volunteers go through special training to learn how to best advocate for and improve the outcomes of children who have been abused or neglected and are in the foster care system. They will follow the child's case through their entire foster care journey and can help guide the case workers, court-appointed attorneys, and judges who are also a part of the child's journey. They often meet weekly with the children and may assist with homework or offer a trip to the park as they seek to connect and support the children in life-enhancing ways. NKBA West Michigan has been happy to raise funds for CASA through your mixer events and holiday "Jingle Jam" event this year. CASA was also invited to the KBIS recap event in May to raise awareness for their cause.


NKBA West Michigan is always happy to advocate for creating spaces everyone can call home. We hope that our work this year has raised awareness of our community's needs and brought hope and additional funding for training to the CASA program.