Southwest Desert Chapter


The Kitchen is the Heart of the Home


February 13, 2024 | 4:30 pm- 7:30 pm

CEUs: There are no CEUs for this event

Cost: FREE

Dal Tile Showroom
3455 W. Sunset Rd
Suite G
Las Vegas, NV 89118

It's a "Dalentine's Day" Event celebrating The Kitchen is the Heart of the Home!
Come join us on February 13th, from 4:30-7:30 pm for a delightful evening of togetherness and laughter as we celebrate 'Dalentine's Day'!
At this FREE in-person event, NKBA - together with DalTile - will explore the magic of the kitchen and its role as the heart of every home with a special presentation on 2024 Design Trends!
RSVP and join us for Prizes & Giveaways!
Bring a guest eligible to join the NKBA for an extra chance to WIN!
Prize for Best "Red from the Head" Outfit!