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Southwest Desert Chapter


Speedy Roundtables – Share & Learn Topics With Industry Colleagues


January 31, 2019 | 6:00 pm

CEUs: There are no CEUs for this event

Arizona Tile
5830 S Decatur Blvd
Las Vegas, Nevada 89118

Speedy Roundtables

Bring your best knowledge and experience to the tables and be ready to learn and collaborate with your colleagues. Rotate 4-5 tables every 15 minutes discussing industry topics to explore and grow from.

Topics Include:
1. Subcontracting Versus Hiring For Specialty Services
2. Getting higher deposits on larger projects
3. Selling quality over cost
4. Best apps to save time for estimating, designing and project management
5. Mystery topic (submit requests)

6:00- Meet & Greet
6:30- Chapter Business
7:00- Round Table Discussions
8:00- Door Prizes

Refreshments/Finger Food will be served

Pre-Register (Through 1/28/19): $10 Members | $15 Guests
At Door Registration: $20 Members | $25 Guests
Attire- Business Casual

There will be drawings for door prizes, including 2019 KBIS Bash Party Passes
(If your company would like to donate a door prize, please contact a chapter council member)

February 19-21- KBIS (Las Vegas Convention Center)
April 18 Chapter Meeting- KBIS Review (Location & Time TBA)
July 18 Chapter Meeting- (Topic, Location & Time TBA)
Sep 19 Chapter Meeting- (Topic, Location & Time TBA)
Nov 14 Chapter Meeting- (Topic, Location & Time TBA)

Facebook Page- @NKBALasVegas (Like | Share | Stay in the Know)

For 2019 we are looking for more members to host meetings. If you are interested in hosting or sponsoring a meeting, please notify us asap, as we are scheduling now.