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Southwest Desert Chapter


NKBA Las Vegas – Dine & Discover (Includes CEU’s)


November 15, 2019 | 6:00 pm

CEUs: There are no CEUs for this event

Embassy Suites Hotel
4315 Swenson Street
Las Vegas, NV 89119

Come Dine & Discover at the last chapter meeting of 2018!

6:00- Meet & Greet
7:00- Dinner
7:30- Chapter Business
8:00- Presentation

Enjoy Dinner Buffet- Taste of Italy
Caesar Salad with Shaved Parmesan, Garlic Croutons and Served with Caesar Dressing
Lasagna Bolognese
Chicken Picatta in Lemon Caper Butter
Pasta Primavera with Vegatables Topped with Parmesan Cheese
Haricots Verts with Sliced Almonds
Toasted Garlic Bread

Design for Independence and Dignity Without Talking About It
Maria Stapperfenne, CMKBD

This presentation concentrates on the elements of Aging, Developmental and Cognitive issues that we should be taking into account as we continue to design spaces for humans of varying degrees that will occupy these spaces. What considerations should we, as design professionals, take into account to create Safe, Comfortable, and Accessible spaces for everyone….and when to collaborate with a team of professionals to take it to the next level including contractor, Occupational Therapist, or other medical professional. The end includes “next steps” for people that wish to explore further or pursue more education. (.1 CEU)

Cost: $25 Members | $35 Not-Yet Members
Attire- Business Casual

There will be drawings for door prizes, including 2019 KBIS Bash Party Passes
(If your company would like to donate a door prize, please contact a chapter council member)

PLEASE RSVP to by Nov 12th & pay at the door.
(Limited Space)

Facebook Page- @NKBALasVegas (Like | Share | Stay in the Know)

January 24th- Chapter Meeting @ Arizona Tile

February 19-21- KBIS (Las Vegas Convention Center)

For 2019 we are looking for more members to host meetings. If you are interested in hosting or sponsoring a meeting, please notify us asap, as we are scheduling now.