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Southwest Desert Chapter


Family BBQ & Win


August 23, 2018 | 6:30 pm

CEUs: There are no CEUs for this event

Central Cabinets Direct
5180 Cameron Street Suite 2
Las Vegas, NV 89118

Come have a great end of summer social activity. Families welcome. There will be hamburgers, hot dogs and plenty of other great food.

Come meet other members of the kitchen and bath industry here in Las Vegas and hear about other great plans leading up to KBIS 2019.

Enter to win a drawing for a 10×10 Kitchen of cabinets in light gray. You will also be entered to win free passes to the NKBA Bash Party at KBIS (must be 21 to attendBash)  to be held on February 20th from 8:30pm-1:30am in the Encore XS Nightclub.

This event is FREE of charge compliments of our host Central Cabinets Direct and the Southwest Desert “Las Vegas” Chapter of the NKBA!

Invite other industry members that you affiliate with.

October 4th– Hands On Skills- Learn Something New- TBA

November 15th– Designing for Independence and Dignity Without Talking About it by Maria Stapperfenne, CMKBD. Learn great tips on how to discuss living in place (aka aging in place) with those that don’t want to admit they need it.

RSVP to Angela.Ganschow@MONARKHOME.COM