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Southwest Desert Chapter


Designing & Selling Using 3D Software


June 08, 2023 | 5:30 pm- 7:30 pm

CEUs: 1.0

Cost: $10 Members /// $15 Non-members

Emser Tile Showroom
3655 W. Sunset Rd.
Suite A
Las Vegas, NV 89118

We hope to see you ALL at our next fun-filled chapter meeting on June 8th where we will be enlightened by Mr. Scott Harris, VP of Chief Architect Software at the beautiful Emser Tile showroom!

 Scott Harris is the Vice President of Chief Architect Software the leading provider of 3D Home Design Software.  He guides product marketing for the Chief Architect professional, DIY and mobile software products.  He has been a certified trainer with Chief Architect since 2010 teaching housing professionals how to be productive and efficient with design software.  Scott has an MBA with a background in software development and is a Certified Kitchen & Bath Designer (CKBD).   As a hobby, he is an avid designer of custom homes and interior spaces.