Southern New England Chapter


Create Luxury Kitchens With New Technologies


March 23, 2022 | 5:00 pm- 8:00 pm

CEUs: 0.1

Cost: $30.00

Clarke Showroom
64 South Main Street
Norwalk, CT 06854

The Southern New England Chapter of the NKBA would like to welcome you back with an in-person meeting at Clarke!  
Join Marco Barallon and Joe Tanguay of Clarke for an in-depth discussion of new kitchen technologies and how to include these materials in your designs to give your client a more creative design and to increase your project value.  
Marco and Joe will cover:
 *   Cooking with Steam
 *   Induction Technology
 *   Connected appliance
 *   Point of use refrigeration
* Transformational Sink Design 
Wine, beer and light appetizers will be served.  We ask that you respect the gathering and our space.  Masks are optional.  If you are not vaccinated, please mask.  
Generously Hosted AND  Sponsored By Clarke