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Prairie Provinces Chapter


Design for a Healthy Mind; Interior Design and Mental Health - This meeting has been postponed. A rescheduled date will be advised at a later date.


April 02, 2020 | 5:30 pm

CEUs: There are no CEUs for this event

Iron River Surfaces
10934 119 St NW
Edmonton, AB T5H 3P5

Iron River Surfaces
10934 119 St NW
Edmonton, AB T5H 3P5

This panel discussion will be an exploration of the design elements that most effect Mental Health. The question of “what can we do to create spaces that positively impact our mental health” will be at the forefront. Let’s all get past the taboo of mental health and discuss beautiful spaces for beautiful minds.
Joining our Panel are Kelly Inglis – Lighting Consultant, Natalie Stauffer – HERR Design, Sheila Stauffer – Cornerstone Counseling & Dennis Emond – DME. Patti Holmstrom – PH Designs will be the moderator.