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Ohio State Chapter


Practically Optimistic


December 09, 2020 | 1:00 pm- 2:00 pm

CEUs: .1

Cost: 0



Practically Optimistic: Channeling Optimism as a Guiding Design Principle

NKBA CEU Credit: 0.1 CEU

Purpose: Designers confirm their optimism every time they envision what doesn’t exist and make it a reality.

This CEU will seek to educate specifiers on how to channel the inherent optimism of their profession while acknowledging the practical needs of a space to create positive impact for the people they serve and the planet they work to preserve.

Learning Objectives: At the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Apply design strategies that provide optimism for our planet
  • Employ principles of wellness to optimize a space for its inhabitants
  • Understand how simplicity can support project goals
  • Use transparency to select materials with tangible benefits to end-users

For registration and infromation e mail: