Northern California Chapter

Want to get involved? View our committee positions for 2023 here!

1496 days ago
List of the open positions:

President Committees:
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Chairperson & Committee (1-2 positions open)
-Work directly with the President and Membership to identify and develop ways to ensure the entire Kitchen & Bath Community is participating and being highlighted in our NKBA mission.
Time Commitment: 2-3 days a month
Sponsorship Liaison (1 position open)
-Work directly with the President to help coordinate and sign up sponsors for all events, including Annual Chapter sponsors, Student Design Symposium sponsors, Design Competition sponsors and Annual Gala sponsors.
-Primary point of contact between sponsors and Council to ensure sponsors needs and deadlines are met.
Time Commitment: 2-3 days a month

Student/Educator Chairperson (1 position open)
-Work directly with the President to identify and develop ways to ensure the Stuident membership is participating and being high listed in our mission.
-Help coordinate events, calendars and participation from the NKBA colleges and universities.
-Primary point of contact between students/educators and Council to ensure needs and deadlines are met.
Time Commitment: 2-3 days a month

Communications Committee (2 positions open) 
Work directly with the Communications Chair to help drive the communication to our NKBA community. 

Graphic Design Committee Member - Help with the general communication strategy and graphic design of communication materials using Canva and other tools. 
Social Media Liaison  - Help with the social media strategy, design, execution
Time Commitment: 2-3 days a month 

Programs Committee (2-3 positions open)
General Committee Member - Work directly with the Programs Chair to help develop and execute the various and exciting chapter meetings and special events the NKBA puts on over the course of the year. 
Time Commitment: 2-3 days a month

Design Crawl Committee Member - Work directly with the Programs Chair to coordinate and execute the 2024 Design Crawl to be held in San Francisco at the SF Design Center. 
Time Commitment: 2-3 days a month starting in July through September

Treasurer Committee (1- 2 positions open)
Day of Meetings Coordinator - Work with the Treasurer to register, welcome and sign in attendees of each meeting. Great way to meet with membership and network!
Time Commitment: 1 day a month for 2-3 hours at monthly chapter and membership events. 

Design Competition Committee (1 position open)
Work directly with the Design Competition Chairs to help execute the presentation for the Annual Gala Design Competition portion.
Time Commitment: 2-3 days a month starting in August 15th through November 2nd

Gala Committee (2-4 positions open)
Work directly with the Gala Chairs to help plan and execute the Annual Gala. 
General Committee: Help execute and coordinate al detail pertaining to this big event. 
Decor & Florals: Help plan and execute the decor for the big event. 
Run of Show: Help coordinate how the entire program for the show will be executed. 
Day of Event Tech: Be in charge of the slide shows, putting them together, making them consistent with NKBA branding standards, and assisting with executing the run of show for the evening event. Requires knowledge of PowerPoint and navigating between PC vs. Apple operating systems.
Time Commitment: 2-3 days a month starting in July 1st  through November 2nd

Membership Committee: 
Committee Person to assist with CRM transition (1 position open)
Help the Council and Membership Chair work on this exciting transition as we embark on a better way to communicate and coordinate with our membership.
Time Commitment: 2-3 days a month starting in July 1st  through November 2nd

Membership Event Coordinator (1 position open)
Coordinate all membership events with sponsors, Programs and Council team to ensure everything that is needed in terms of details and communication is provided and clarified between all parties. 
Time Commitment: 2-3 days a month with less time during months where membership events are not held. 

Please note that the time commitments are a rough estimate of the total time each month, but likely will be broken out into one or two hour increments for meetings and then smaller increments as you can fit the execution of work into schedule. 
If interested email