Northern California Chapter


582 days ago
Leslie Battelle


REGISTRATION LINK:  2023 NoCA NKBA Design Competition


  • Entrant and/or Co-Entrant must be a design professional that completed a qualifying project within the established design period (January 2019 - August 31, 2023.)  
  • Open to NKBA Members and non-members. 
  • Certification is not required to enter.
  • Co-Entrants receive an award as well.


  • Qualifying projects completed between January 1, 2019 and August 31, 2023
  • Past entries that were not awarded may be re-entered but must adhere to the 2023 submittal requirements.
  • Projects that have been awarded, outside of the NKBA Northern California Design Competition, are eligible for submittal.


  • Cash prizes and beautiful engraved trophies will be presented at the Annual Gala & Design Competition Awards event on Thursday, November 2, 2023.
  • First Place:  $300; Second Place: $175; Third Place: $125;  
  • Specialty Categories:  $200
  • Plus:  $1000 each for Judge's Choice Bathroom and Kitchen; Prizes each for People's Choice Bathroom and Kitchen
  • Awarded projects will be featured on The Northern California Chapter website and social media sites.


Early Submission deadline:  July 31, 2023 (only early entrants will have project submissions inspected prior to judging.)

Project entry deadline:  August 31, 2023 at 9:00 PM Pacific Time (Late entries OR incomplete entries will NOT be accepted)


Standard Categories:   1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will be selected for each of these categories

Kitchen Small (150 sq. ft. or Less)

Kitchen Medium (151-250 sq. ft.)

Kitchen Large (251 sq. ft. or Over)

Bath Small (55 sq. ft. or Less)

Bath Medium (56-120 sq. ft)

Bath Large (120 sq. ft. or Over)

Specialty Award Categories:  A single award will be given for each of these categories

Powder Room: (Does not include tubs or showers)

Laundry Room

Kitchenette, Wet Bar, or Service Pantry (Any Size)

Best Before & After Bathroom

Best Before & After Kitchen



Each NKBA Member Designer of Record/Entrant will pay $175 for first project and $125 for each additional project entry. Included with first entry (1) Annual Gala and Design Awards ticket at a discounted rate of $100. 

Each Non-Member Designer of Record/Entrant will pay $275 for first project and $225 for each additional project entry. Included with first entry (1) Annual Gala and Design Awards ticket at a discounted rate of $100.   To become an NKBA Member go to:    NKBA MEMBERSHIP

Co-Designer/Entrant (Member and Non-member) will pay an entry fee of $175 and $125 for each additional project entry. Included with first entry (1) Annual Gala and Design Awards ticket at a discounted rate of $100.  **Co-entrants will receive their own engraved award if the project wins. 

Annual Gala and Design Awards ticket full price ticket is $195.  Gala tickets will be available at a later date. Gala event will be held on November 2, 2023 at 6:00pm.

All entry fees are paid online at the time of registering and are non-refundable.



In addition to cash prizes, category and specialty winners will receive a beautiful award to display in their place of business. If submitting a team entry, the Designer of Record and each Co-Designer will receive a trophy. 

Standard Categories:

1st Place: $300.00

2nd Place: $175.00

3rd Place: $125.00

Specialty Award Categories:

$200.00 per Specialty Category

Judges' Choice Awards:   

          $1,000 for Best Kitchen

          $1,000 for Best Bathroom


Awards will contain information taken directly from the data supplied online in the entry submission by the Designer of Record. 

  • Awards will be given to the winning Designer of Record and the Co-Designer (if included). Only the Designer of Record will receive the cash award.
  • Be sure to proofread all Designer of Record and Co-Designer names, companies, and NKBA certifications.
  • Awards engraved with the information submitted in CPJam but deemed in need of correction/adjustment by the winner(s), will be re-made by the Design Committee. Any additional costs will be prepaid in advance by the Designer of Record.



  • The individual entrant must be the Designer of Record on each project. If the entrant is not the owner of the business that billed the project, business owner approval is required for eligibility. 
  • All qualifying projects must have been completed within the established competition period: January 1, 2019 - August 31, 2023. 
  • Enter the project into the one category for which it is best suited, based on size. You may enter as many projects as you would like that fit into the eleven (11) different categories.
  • A new entry form is required for each project submitted and is to be completed in full. Each entry requires a separate fee.
  • Entries must be completed, and fee paid by the close of the competition on August 31, 2023, at 9:00 PM (Pacific Time).  No refunds will be given for incomplete entries.
  • All required materials must be received digitally and files labeled:

      Design Category_Project Name_Document Type     (i.e: KSM_Bay View_Drawings.pdf)

NOTE: NO IDENTIFYING INFORMATION FOR THE DESIGNER, CO-DESIGNER, CONTRACTOR, CLIENT, etc.  may be shown on any judged documents. Verify all file names have been renamed prior to uploading. 


The following documents are to be uploaded with NO identifying information appearing anywhere on Drawings, Design Statement, Project Statement, Vendor List or in file name.

  1. Photographs:
    • Up to 10 high-resolution color photos. At least one “before” picture is required (unless the project is new construction, this should be included in your Design Statement.) 
    • Professional photography is highly recommended, but not required. 
    • Avoid using photos that identify the project location, clients, children, pet, or site workers.
  1. Design Statement:
    • Project Name:
      1. Give your project a name, your entry will be tracked, judged and presented by that name
      2. The Project Name must be noted on EVERY document submitted
      3. Do not include any identifying designer, co-designer, company, contractor, or client information
    • Project Overview Statement: 
      1. 100 word maximum statement “in your own words” in a narrative essay or bulleted format. 
      2. Describe the project as you would like it to be announced at the Gala, if it is a winner.
      3. Highlight your favorite design details
    • Design Statement Narrative:
      1. 200 to 400 word statement explaining your project in a descriptive or bulleted statement
      2. This clearly, but briefly, outlines the client needs, objectives, design philosophy, challenges, solution and special features (think of the design statement as you would your pitch to a magazine). 
  1. Drawings: 
    • MUST include the following:
      1. Before Floor Plan
      2. After Floor Plans
      3. Wall Elevations
    • Upload all drawings as one file (PDF)
    • MUST be scaled to 1/4”,  3/8”, or 1/2”
    • MUST be clearly labeled including dimensions (dimensions not required on Before Floor Plan)
    • Identifying designer, co-designer, company, contractor, or client information MUST be removed/omitted. Rename all file names prior to uploading.
    • Abide by NKBA Planning Guidelines with Access Standards. SEE DOWNLOADABLE FORMS
  1.  Vendor/Products List:
    • List of products and manufacturers used in your project (PDF File)
  1. Headshot
    • High resolution (300 dpi)
    • For Designer of Record and each Co-Designer on the entry. 
    • Designer of Record/Co-Designer Release Form/Client Property Release Form  (REQUIRED for each entry)
    • Photography Release Form (REQUIRED for each entry)
    • Business Release Form (REQUIRED ONLY for Designers who are NOT self-employed)


All judges are selected by The Northern California Chapter Design Committee, are experts in their field, and are not members of the Chapter. Judging is online via CPJam by a panel of impartial judges evaluating the entries. A point system is used for scoring. Actual scoring results will not be released. Judges reserve the option to move a project to another category if they feel it is appropriate. Judges reserve the right to determine if the category has a winning entry. There is no guarantee that each category will have a winning entry. 

            *All decisions of the judges are final*

Entries for all categories will be judged by the following questions. (10 points each)

  1.    How well did the design statement describe the design and acknowledge any obstacles addressed?  To what degree where the wants and needs of the client met?
  2.    How well does the design appropriately address practical and unique solutions for any challenges faced?
  3.    How well are the elements and principles of design used?  Elements of design: line, form, shape, texture, pattern, color, space, light Principles of design: balance, rhythm, scale, proportion, emphasis/focal point, harmony/unity.
  4.    Do the floor plans and elevations appropriately showcase the design as it was installed?
  5.    To what degree were the Graphic Standards accurately used? Drawings (construction, floor plans, elevations). Scale MUST be 1/4”,  3/8", 1/2”.  CLEANLY & CLEARLY labeled including dimensions AND LARGE ENOUGH TO READ. 
  6.    To what degree were the NKBA Planning Guidelines followed? 
  7.    How would you rate the visual appeal of the project?   Were there any special materials used or materials used in a creative way to set it apart from other projects?  This is the “WOW” factor and visual appeal.


If any materials are omitted or if required criteria are not met, the entry will be disqualified. Notification will be given prior to the awards ceremony. Entry fees will not be refunded.

Your membership in the NKBA Northern California Chapter will be verified!  Certification is not required in order to enter.  Non-members must gain membership prior to entering competition as a NKBA Member.

To become an NKBA Member go to:    NKBA MEMBERSHIP

Your submission must be received by 9:00 PM (Pacific Time) on August 31, 2023. Incomplete entries will be disqualified.  No refunds will be offered.


For questions about this year's design competition, send an email to: 

    or call/text Lilley Yee at (650) 400-4011