August 22, 2019 | 5:30 pm
CEUs: 0.1
CG Appliance
1403 Industrial Rd
San Carlos, CA 94070
Topic: Planning for Tomorrow’s Leaders Today(0.1 CEU)
Speaker: Andre Boykin, Executive Coach, Speaker, Trainer,
Will you be a victim of a leadership void in your organization? Today’s workforce is more likely and prepared to move to other position opportunities with other organizations than ever before.
A recent study by CareerBuilder showed that 74 percent of employees are either actively searching for a new job or are open to new opportunities. Movement in the workplace is inevitable. Positions open up, whether people retire, leave your company, or simply move to other positions within or outside of your company. The question to ask is: Do you have a plan to fill the void when people with critical knowledge and skills leave the organization?
This lively session shows how to eliminate detrimental leadership voids through a simple and effective succession planning process. First learn how to identify high potentials and differentiate high performers from high potentials. Discover how to avoid the critical mistakes in promoting unqualified leaders who then cripple your organization’s performance.
Participants become well versed in the four main areas of the Succession Planning Process: Preparation, Assess, Develop, and Evaluating the Process. Leaders will see what is involved in each step, from creating a succession planning team, all the way through measuring the ROI. Participants leave with ideas and plans to implement for their own succession planning process.
1. Understand the elements of succession planning and why it is critical to your organization
2. How to identify top performers and high potentials and how to implement strategies to retain them
3. Identify the gaps in their succession planning process