Missouri/Southern Illinois Chapter


Design for Independence and Dignity Without Talking About It


May 15, 2019 | 5:30 pm

CEUs: 0.1

Cost: $20 professional $10 for students

Unique Stone Concepts
1540 Fairview Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63132

We are so excited for you to join us in May at Unique Stone Concepts – one of our Silver Sponsor Showrooms – as we host Maria Stapperfenne, CMKBD – Award-winning Certified Master kitchen and bath designer, Certified Living in Place Professional/Instructor, 2015 NKBA National President & 2017 KBDN “Top 50 Innovator” for our May ceu event.

This presentation concentrates on the elements of Aging, Developmental and Cognitive issues that we should be taking into account as we continue to design spaces for humans of varying degrees that will occupy these spaces. What considerations should we, as design professionals, take into account to create Safe, Comfortable, and Accessible spaces for everyone….and when to collaborate with a team of professionals to take it to the next level including contractor, Occupational Therapist, or other medical professional. This presentation also includes “next steps” for people that wish to explore further or pursue more education.

Networking/Food & Drink 5:30 – 6:30pm | Presentation 6:30-7:30 pm | Event Price $20 professional $10 for students | This event qualifies for .1 CEU

Don’t forget each guest will receive a raffle ticket for the holiday raffle prize for each event they attend in 2019.