Manhattan Chapter

Universal Design: What It Is and Why I Became Certified

1486 days ago

July 2002 -- by Rose Ott, AKBD, UDCP, NKBA, IFDA

Living through a global pandemic, all of us are spending significantly more time in our homes. We are getting intimately familiar with every single nook and cranny, and are beginning to truly understand the true value of  home , especially a well-designed one. In fact, the design of your home is a key factor in making it not only warm and comforting but safe, too—both during and after COVID-19. 
And let’s face it.... the world is shifting with the average life expectancy continuing to increase and families sharing the responsibilities of home life with many homes becoming multi-generational. Studies done by AARP recognizes that people prefer to stay in their homes as they age opposed to going into a nursing home. This is where  Universal Design steps in. Leveraging concepts in Universal Remodeling, you can make your home safe, inviting, and accessible for all residents without sacrificing design. 
An Introduction to Universal Design
If you haven’t yet heard of Universal Design, it is essentially the concept that all homes should be easily accessible and usable for  all  members of the family. This is regardless of their age, size, or physical abilities. Moreover, Universal Design ensures that the home accommodates its residents throughout their lifespans. 
Universal Design has  seven principles  for designers and remodelers to incorporate into their design so that every product and building can be used to the greatest extent possible regardless of gender, size or physical abilities and that will last throughout their life span. These design elements are virtually invisible and include simple things like levers on faucets for ease of use and blocking in the wall for grab bars in bathrooms that may be needed in the future. A UDCP (Universal Design Certified Professional) understands the details of what needs to be done during the renovation process to ensure the occupants have what is necessary to make their lives comfortable, safe and stylish for many years to come.
The Benefits of Working with UDCP
As our country was on pause, I used the time to study and prepare for the test to become certified. Obtaining the UDCP accreditation was super important to me because my ultimate goal from day one when I started my business was to elevate the lives of my clients by providing thoughtful, transparent and accessible design. Using the knowledge gained and tested on universal design principles in remodeling I am able to help guide homeowners on remodeling decisions in electrical applications to include but not limited to the proper placement of electrical devices, incorporating smart technology and balancing light levels. In plumbing, I am able to assist in proper placement of fixtures, design barrier free bathrooms, follow kitchen guidelines to ensure multi-generational functionality that will aid in ease of use. I learned universal design construction techniques to be used in every room of the house with specialization in installations and requirements for safety. And I am able to do all of this without it being apparent!  
Universal Design can also go a long way in increasing the market appeal of our homes. Should the homeowner decide to move, incorporating Universal Design elements into their home can potentially increase its market value. The main benefits, however, center on a more pleasant living experience in your home.  
Integrating Universal Design in Our Homes
As we live through this global pandemic, most of us have quickly  appreciated the value of our homes . Not only do we want our homes to be comfortable for everyone living with us but we want the experience to be enjoyable, safe and healthy. 
Universal Design can accomplish all of these goals. Leveraging the seven principles of Universal Design the benefits gained are real and life lasting.