Were you always interested in the kitchen/bath design field? Honestly, I hadn’t quite been exposed to (or maybe I had taken for granted) the intricacies and beauty behind this design world. I was not submerged into it until my first internship with True in 2014, and would not come to appreciate it as wholeheartedly again until I joined the company full-time in 2020. After the pandemic it’s been such a joy getting to step into this world again with both feet firmly planted! Why did you decide to return to True? Definitely seeing the passion and commitment my Dad has for our family business— when I had the opportunity to join I knew it would be something fulfilling and meaningful for me as well. My grandpa started the company in the 1940’s, but it was my grandma that added the “E” to the first part of our family name and gave us our corporate identity, which also reflected our business philosophy. What’s your favorite part of your job now? I love the exposure to all the incredibly talented trade that we get to work with – the genius that designers, builders, etc. have in this day and age is always mindblowing. I get excited looking at our Instagram feed and seeing the gorgeous, innovative, creative ways that they approach different projects. My most favorite is when we get tagged in one of them! Do you travel much? I travel a ton – a lot for work, but also these days, I’m at the time of my life where it’s full on wedding mania! One of my favorite escapes is to visit my mom in Cabo San Lucas on the Baja Peninsula where she spends half the year. Other activities you like? I’m a voracious reader (I love historical fiction, but you can catch me reading some of the popular fantasy books too). Running along the west side highway is a favorite weekend activity. I also like to draw. After college I was consistently commissioned to do fun but small digital projects for friends and family – and if I had the time I’d try and make this a full on side hustle! Any tidbits that NKBA colleagues might not know about you? I’m obsessed with whales! On a trip in Baja California where humpback and grey whales breed, I was able to pet a baby whale that came up to our boat to say hi. and age is always mindblowing. I get excited looking at our Instagram feed and seeing the gorgeous, innovative, creative ways that they approach different projects. My most favorite is when we get tagged in one of them! Do you travel much? I travel a ton – a lot for work, but also these days, I’m at the time of my life where it’s full on wedding mania! One of my favorite escapes is to visit my mom in Cabo San Lucas on the Baja Peninsula where she spends half the year. Other activities you like? I’m a voracious reader (I love historical fiction, but you can catch me reading some of the popular fantasy books too). Running along the west side highway is a favorite weekend activity. I also like to draw. After college I was consistently commissioned to do fun but small digital projects for friends and family – and if I had the time I’d try and make this a full on side hustle! Any tidbits that NKBA colleagues might not know about you? I’m obsessed with whales! On a trip in Baja California where humpback and grey whales breed, I was able to pet a baby whale that came up to our boat to say hi. |