Manhattan Chapter

President's Column, Toni Sabitino

1369 days ago
Welcome to 2021!
While it seems that the year may be off to a rocky start, we at NKBA Manhattan have been working to bring you the best in interactive virtual programming, beginning with our Eco Awards presentation that took place on the 21st, followed by several days of KBIS Virtual watch parties, virtual tours, and happy hours coming up February 8 to 12. Please keep an eye on your inbox for more information.
Hats off to Programs Chair Julie Schuster for jumping in and making it happen. It’s new, it will be different, and it is sure to be interesting!
Stay tuned to your inboxes and to our Chapter Facebook page for announcements and invitations, and please join us on the virtual ride.
—Toni Sabatino, President, Manhattan Chapter