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Manhattan Chapter

President's Column, Toni Sabatino

1007 days ago
It is with great emotion that I write my final President's Column for our monthly newsletter.
First, I am thankful, so thankful, to have had your confidence to lead the chapter for these last four years. It has been amazing to watch the chapter grow, see the relationships forged between vendors and specifiers, and watch as the relevance of what we do become even more important because of the pandemic. Design matters, and designers matter, as do manufacturers, contractors, reps, and retail personnel. We have built a great community together, and I will always be grateful to you for being a part of it.
I am also hopeful, full of hope, for the industry, our association, and our chapter. The NKBA offers great opportunities for both professional and personal growth. I love to see the younger members join and help shape our future, and I am sure the new board (pictured above; missing Rose Ott) will bring new enthusiasm and new opportunities for our members.
I look forward to the next adventure and seeing you all at the meetings in 2022.
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
—Toni Sabatino, President, Manhattan Chapter