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Manhattan Chapter

President's Column, Toni Sabatino

1018 days ago
At this time of giving thanks, I look back at my years as President of our chapter with much love and gratitude in my heart. Speaking at the G6 Design Forum, organized by David Santiago, President of our local IFDA chapter, and held during ICFF/BDNY at the Javits Center in NYC earlier this month, gave me an opportunity to spread some of that NKBA love. I have learned so much about our industry and myself from all of you, and I have enjoyed every minute of it.
Although it has been a challenging time, COVID brought change to how we view life, our core values, and our thoughts about our homes. Health and wellness have become the priorities they should be. Where and how we live matter. Design matters. We matter. Our association has given us the opportunity to share our thoughts and resources and grow together, and for that I will always be grateful. Happy Thanksgiving!
—Toni Sabatino, President, Manhattan Chapter