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Manhattan Chapter

President's Column, Toni Sabatino

1156 days ago
So close and yet…. yup! So far! I was pleased to see some of you in person at the Sub Zero, Wolf and Cove showroom July 15 as I was privileged to do some demo cooking and introduce Phillip Raspanti, their new Corporate Chef. (Please check out our event Facebook album). Everything about the evening was lovely! Normalcy was threatening to set in… 
Our Programs team was busy preparing a dynamic in-person program for the New York Luxury Design Fair in September, and then—just like that—the event is cancelled due to continuing precautions over Covid. That these times are uncertain seems to be the only certainty, but rest assured, you can count on our team and our wonderful sponsors to keep you up to date and in the loop. I look forward to seeing you again as soon as events allow.
—Toni Sabatino, President, Manhattan Chapter