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Manhattan Chapter

President’s Column, Julie Schuster

689 days ago
Julie Schuster

Annually, October is considered to be “Kitchen and Bath Month”, and this year is no different.  NKBA Manhattan usually also considers this month to be our annual Membership Drive time of year, as well.  For the first time since before the COVID lockdowns, we hosted a full day event in honor of both.

Called, “EDUCATION DAY”, the Programs team, headed by Charle-John Cafiero, worked tirelessly for months to create a day of activities and discussions in the A&D building.  Partnered with print media and their editors, we had expert panels and social media celebrities in to talk on all areas of our industry.  It was a not-to-be-missed day!  So many of you joined us – sharing in food and drink, education and networking.

NKBA is committed to continuing to bring opportunities to the membership, both from a National level and from our chapter.  If you have been following us, you will have seen the recent recap of the Women to Women Mentoring conference I just returned from and there is an upcoming excursion to SKS in Napa, open only to members.  Being a part of our group is such a great way to stay on top of what is new and how to get access to it.

And there is more on the horizon, for those who are members.  So, renew when you get the notice.  And if you are not yet a member, join now!  There are trips for fun and education, special workshops, and our holiday party coming up.  And it’s as easy as reaching out to our Membership Chair, Jeannine Price at or 516-220-1967