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Manhattan Chapter

President’s Column, Julie Schuster

747 days ago
Matteo Calisesi

One of the pleasures that I have as President of our chapter is the opportunity and responsibility to speak with you every month in this way. The world is still feeling a little unsettled to a lot of us, and having NKBA in my life is a given that I find comforting.


I imagine that is true for a lot of us, when I see the turnout from our membership at events this summer and the continued support from our sponsors, as well. We recently showed them some support, too, at our 2022 Council Dinner for our sponsors and council members.


Having another reliable constant in our lives is just one more good reason to stay in touch with us. In uncertain times, having a place where you belong is a great comfort. As the song goes, “where everybody knows your name.”


For many, August is a great time for summer breaks from the norm, and the same is true with NKBA. But our fall roster is fleshing out: Our next event is on September 22nd, which is right around the corner! October is Kitchen and Bath month, and NKBA Manhattan will have a full day of activities and education on the 20th.


So, keep up with us on Facebook, or our webpage. Better yet, join now and get on the mailing list! Email Membership chair, Jeannine Price, is always happy to help you get on board:


To quote another song, “See you in September!”

Julie Schuster, President, Manhattan Chapter