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Manhattan Chapter

President’s Column, Julie Schuster

848 days ago
Matteo Calisesi

May 2022 --

As a community, we continue to need to keep our eye on the ball.  The only difference is that ball is a moving target as of late. Covid infection rates are rising a bit again in New York, while the good news is that those that get it are recovering and moving on quickly.

On the other hand, New York hosted a live ICFF show this week, that reported good attendance.  All of you are coming out to our in person chapter meetings in droves.  And I have always found that where the heart is willing, there is a way forward.  So I remain optimistic for our city and our design community.  Most of us are finding that business is robust.  And that is always a good thing, and a great barometer of what is around the corner.

Our chapter meeting this month was last week at the lovely Dacor showroom, hosted by the amazing team headed up by Bridgitte Fouche.  We enjoyed a fun and engaging evening of chef prepared food representative of our multicultural city, and celebrating our diversity as well as our inclusiveness, thanks to Chef Jean-Bernard Villareal.

The community signed up and attended, everyone had a great time, and I take that as a good omen for us as summer approaches and we continue to move on.  Our calendar is robust, and with the fabulous Summer Social approaching, you need to become a member now if you want to be a part of the fun.  Optimism is in the air!  Reach out to get involved, there is no better time.  To sign up just go to:

While you’re at the National website, check out our Manhattan page for more details on the balance of the calendar year plans.

Any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Membership Chair, Jeannine Price at:  She’ll gladly help guide you through the process.