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Manhattan Chapter

President's Column, Julie Schuster

927 days ago
Matteo Calisesi
I have always felt especially privileged to be able to attend the shows for our industry that I have access to, whether the local New York based shows or the more far-flung shows like the Kitchen and Bath Industry Show (KBIS), from which I’ve just returned.
After having to take a break from the show, due to COVID based cancellation last year, it was simply wonderful to be back in Orlando again. Seeing the product was great, but seeing the people again was greater! Reconnecting with colleagues and friends after such a long time was so energizing.
Along with nearly 70,000 of our industry, we had the opportunity to see innovations, review favorite company product, update our technology knowledge and hear from esteemed colleagues.  All in all, it was a really amazing week.
As we have traditionally done, NKBA Manhattan hosted a KBIS recap event, at sponsor Poggenpohl, this week, to bring the show back to our membership as well.  Presented by speaker Ryan Herd, it brought not only the traditional kitchen and bath point of view, but also from the smart home perspective, too.
If you are not already a member of the Manhattan chapter, I urge you to come on board with us now, this event is only the tip of a busy and robust calendar of events open to our members that is on tap for 2022.  And all of these are free to our membership!  You’ll never get a better opportunity to learn, be a part of a great community and party hearty than with NKBA Manhattan.  Check us out!
Julie Schuster, President, Manhattan Chapter