Manhattan Chapter

President’s Column, Julie Schuster

409 days ago
Julie Schuster

As always, the seasons, months and the year fly by, while we are all busy living, working, and caring. And here we are in December once again. But as 2023 comes to a close, it’s with great pleasure that I look back over what NKBA Manhattan has accomplished this year for you, our members.

Just some quick thoughts come to mind:

  • Our first simulcast chapter meeting from KBIS, broadcast from the Savant Smart Home overlooking the Las Vegas Strip.
  • Other parties and events at the show for our members' enjoyment and education
  • Our annual KBIS recap event with speaker Maria Stapperfenne
  • An amazing Earth Day chapter meeting 
  • The Greatest Summer Social on Earth in July—a much-anticipated event cosponsored by all of our design community organizations that is for our members only
  • Sponsor road trips with SKS, Monogram, NKBA National for our members
  • Our 2nd annual Education Day in October
  • Our Member’s Only Holiday party—an end of the year “thank you” for your support and participation throughout the year

And let’s not forget the monthly chapter meetings that always include fun, food, networking, and education. We like to think that we truly balance all of these pillars as part of the quality engagement that we bring to you, our members and our community. As we move into 2024, more is planned to bring to our members when you are on board with us. More trips, more engagement, and truly top-quality opportunities for learning. Who said education can’t also be fun? And there is really nothing that compares to having a community of sharing professionals to help us in our businesses.

While I am handing off the reins of the Manhattan Chapter, I am staying in close contact as part of National Chapter Leadership for another two years. I plan to continue to see all of you at the Manhattan events, so I won’t be far away, as well as participating in the new year with many of you at KBIS, I hope, and more!

I’ll leave this note, as I often have done, with the reminder that there is no time like now to get involved with us in your membership application or your renewal. Remember that Jeannine Price, our Membership Chair, is still ready and willing to assist with either of them for you. Reach her at

It has been my honor to serve both the organization and you, our members. 

Happy Holidays!

— Julie