Manhattan Chapter

President’s Column, Julie Schuster

499 days ago
Julie Schuster

And just like that…it’s fall.

I don’t know about you, but Summer flies by faster than any other season. I love Autumn, but Summer is the fastest.

Part of the reason might be that, this year, NKBA Manhattan has been as busy as ever.

Our May and June Chapter events have been well attended by all of you and fun, as well as educational. In July we held “The Greatest Summer Social on Earth”—which it truly WAS. And in August we had all of our board, council, and sponsors to the annual Appreciation Dinner at Sub-Zero, Wolf, and Cove.

There is always something happening here. If you are keeping up via this newsletter, you are certainly in the loop. Not only are our official activities listed here, but our amazing Communications team also lets you know about Events of Interest with our sponsors and in our design community at large. So, be certain to read this from end to end! And the best part is, it’s always archived in our linktree on the Instagram page, for reference.

In addition to everything that is happening on the surface, the Manhattan chapter has also just been able to close off the new board recruitment season, and I’m proud to report that we will be headed up by an amazing new board for 2024-2025. Our chapter remains vital and robustly well run as we move into the future. Read on for details on the Who’s Who included in this newsletter.

Now, what’s next you ask? Coming up on September 28 will be our next chapter meeting—a field trip to Stamford, Conn., where we’ll have the pleasure of a Kitchen Trends presentation by NKBA National and a tour of the brand-new CoCreate space, hosted by Monogram, with transportation via bus for the full day event. Keep your eye out for the invitation and register early! Or join us there if you travel by car or train.

After that is another of our amazing Education Day events at the A&D Building on October 26, concluding with a cocktail celebration at Dacor to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the NKBA. And, of course, November and December will be just as chock full. So don’t miss any of them—make certain that you are a registered member with the Manhattan Chapter! Ask our membership chair, Jeannine Price, to help you with the process:

See you in September! –
