Manhattan Chapter

President’s Column, Julie Schuster

694 days ago
Julie Schuster

Work and travel have been the predominant parts of the weeks since our last newsletter. There is always more to do than time in the day!

Last month, Manhattan chapter had our February chapter meeting at Gold Sponsor Häfele's 22nd Street showroom, featuring our annual KBIS recap with a dynamic presentation by Maria Stapperfenne. Maria’s insights were a wonderful overview of what was new and exciting, delivered to a packed house of our membership, and really gave one a feeling of having been there. As always, KBIS brings out the best of our industry, and this year attendance was at record levels.

Just one of the beautiful things that I love about the NKBA is the emphasis on education and inclusion. Our chapter has the most dynamic group of our industry professionals. It’s an amazing place to get a look at a cross section of this industry and really find the space that fits you like a glove.

Our team is working on continuing benefits and experiences as we move forward this year. Our meetings are one stop for seeing friends, learning the trends, and keeping in touch with our community. There’s no better time to get involved with this dynamic group. And no better way to the inside track of what opportunities we have in store for the next months.

Please consider becoming a part of a committee and helping to shape this chapter. Consider reaching out to either Communications Chair, Charle-John Cafiero, at, or Membership Chair, Jeannine Price, at, and get involved today!

Julie Schuster
President, Manhattan Chapter