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Manhattan Chapter

President's Column, Julie Schuster

968 days ago
Having been an active part of the Manhattan chapter for about six years now, I’ve had the privilege of seeing the workings of several boards, participating as both a council member and a board member. The level of commitment and participation from the board, sponsors and members is what makes for our robust community.  As such, I am honored, as well as challenged by, the opportunity to take the reins as your President.
Our New York design community is a family.  And bringing valuable, interesting and fun opportunities to you is why you turn to us.  Our commitment to you is to take this responsibility seriously, whether you are a designer or a trade member.  
Coming up within the next few weeks is the return to an in-person KBIS show is Orlando, FL.  Given the uncertainties that still plague us, you may or may not be attending in person.  Either way, it is certain that the show will be chock full of innovations and visual treats to excite and inspire.  As in the past, we plan to distill as much of the show as possible and bring that back to New York in our February 24th chapter meeting.  Keep an eye out and don’t miss signing up for this!  
Meanwhile, if you haven’t already, check out our Facebook page to catch up on our Holiday Party and January events!
Julie Schuster, President, Manhattan Chapter