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Manhattan Chapter


1028 days ago
Häfele Hosts "Multi-White Illumination—
It’s the Latest Expectation"
Above, from left: Programs Chair Julie Schuster, Häfele America Senior Development Engineer Jeff Ratkus, President Toni Sabatino, NY Showroom Marketing Manager John Risch.
On a perfect autumn evening in Manhattan, members and friends gathered at the Häfele NYC Showroom in the Flatiron District for an enlightening exploration of multi-white illumination and its many versatile applications.
The evening kicked off with a champagne toast celebrating two 20-year anniversaries: NKBA Manhattan President Emeritus Kent Brasloff and the Häfele Showroom in NYC. The two legends—Kent and Häfele—were introduced two decades ago when esteemed interior designer and CKD, Florence Perchuck (pictured below), brought Kent to the Häfele showroom, and then into the Manhattan Chapter. Florence raised a glass from her home in Palm Springs, sharing reminiscences of these extraordinary friendships.
The hybrid CEU presentation on multi-white illumination brought together guests in person and online. Häfele America Senior Development Engineer Jeff Ratkus, Keith Troska, Business Development, and Daryl Nauman, Account Manager, led the deep dive into the topic of tunable LED lighting and its applications, followed by a lively Q&A.
At the end of the evening, each guest was gifted with a Loox motion sensor rechargeable battery surface-mount LED Light (read more about it below). Here's Loox-ing at you!
For additional images, visit our Facebook page here.
Photos by Jeff Siegel, The Mad Photographer