Manhattan Chapter

NKBA Manhattan Welcomes Two New Officers

1369 days ago
Two members were elected to serve on the Council in 2021. Rose Ott steps into the role of Secretary/Treasurer and Antonia Koller the role of Membership Chair.

Rose Ott is an award-winning AKBD and UDCP certified interior designer specializing in kitchens and baths, serving the greater NYC area. She is on the Monogram Designer Council and was awarded KBDN Top Innovator of 2020. Rose is also an Adjunct Professor at Nassau Community College and Design Partner with the Property Brother’s home platform, Casaza. A member of NKBA and IFDA, Rose served on the board of IFDA from 2010 to 2016, where she started IFDA Selects to highlight and award innovative design at trade shows. She is excited to begin her position on the Manhattan NKBA Council. 
Antonia Koller is a longtime professional and well-known within the kitchen and bath community. She serves as the Inside/Outside Sales Consultant at the Waterworks Showroom at 215 East 58th Street, New York City.