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Manhattan Chapter


223 days ago

By Diana Mosher -- It’s an exciting time for NKBA Manhattan! This December, we celebrate our 25th year. The Manhattan Chapter was officially chartered on December 14, 1999. Thank you to all the founding members who made our existence possible and who passed down a legacy of excellence. Every year since 1999—even during the pandemic—the Chapter has grown in visibility and accomplishments with an unwavering commitment to creating opportunities and strong bonds with industry partners and designer members.

There’s a lot to celebrate, and we’ll kick off the festivities on October 8th at the NKBA Manhattan Chapter’s award-winning 3rd Annual EduDay at the A&D Building. We’re planning a full day of education and networking with CEUs, hot topics, dynamic speakers, interactive learning, a fabulous luncheon, and a closing cocktail party.

Of course, there will be raffle prizes, and we’ll also be running our Annual Membership Drive concurrently. So help us get the word out to your industry colleagues who have always wanted to join the Chapter but haven’t done so yet. Check out the Video recap of 2023 EduDay. 

We’ll celebrate this milestone again in December at the Chapter’s annual holiday party. We’re planning a very special evening with dinner and dancing. Stay tuned for more details about the December gala and October EduDay. Get ready to celebrate our Chapter! Happy 25th Anniversary NKBA Manhattan!